We have designed and patented a mast and wind propulsion system for next generation sail/wind propulsion for commercial (long haul ocean container ships, a new class of short haul (local) container ships, coastal cruise ships, fast wind-powered naval ship classes, research vessels and recreational boats.
Far too many boats use combustion engines causing carbon pollution and other harmful environmental effects. Their propellers cause harmful acoustic interference for mammals and other ocean life. Their oil, gas and diesel spills into the oceans and waterways. Their propellers churn micro-spills of oil and gas add toxic contaminants into the seas, and mix surface layers deep into the water column. Their exhaust reduces air quality, and those contaminants also filter into the water.
As ocean levels rise and atmospheric temperatures rise, wind and wave power will increase, existing port infrastructure will be challenged and, consequently, the need for new classes of fast, stable wind-propelled ships will dramatically increase. New governmental and multinational regulations will require these designs, as will pressure from companies that ship goods.
Far too many boats use combustion engines causing carbon pollution and other harmful environmental effects. Their propellers cause harmful acoustic interference for mammals and other ocean life. Their oil, gas and diesel spills into the oceans and waterways. Their propellers churn micro-spills of oil and gas add toxic contaminants into the seas, and mix surface layers deep into the water column. Their exhaust reduces air quality, and those contaminants also filter into the water.
As ocean levels rise and atmospheric temperatures rise, wind and wave power will increase, existing port infrastructure will be challenged and, consequently, the need for new classes of fast, stable wind-propelled ships will dramatically increase. New governmental and multinational regulations will require these designs, as will pressure from companies that ship goods.
Learn more about specific applications of this ground-breaking technology at these links:
A new ship class of decarbonized short-haul (coastal) coastal container ships: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/decarbonized-short-haul-coastal-container-ship-class.html
Decarbonized Ocean Transiting Container Ships: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-clipper-container-ship.html
Decarbonized Research Vessels: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---research.html
Decarbonized Coastal Cruise Ships: contact us for information
New classes of fast, low-cost wind-powered naval and Coast Guard ships: contact us for information
as well as:
Decarbonized Zodiac-style Inflatables: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---zodiac-style-inflatables.html
Decarbonized Cruising Catamarans: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---catamaran-cruising.html
Decarbonized Day Sailers: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---day-sailing.html
Learn more about specific applications of this ground-breaking technology at these links:
A new ship class of decarbonized short-haul (coastal) coastal container ships: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/decarbonized-short-haul-coastal-container-ship-class.html
Decarbonized Ocean Transiting Container Ships: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-clipper-container-ship.html
Decarbonized Research Vessels: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---research.html
Decarbonized Coastal Cruise Ships: contact us for information
New classes of fast, low-cost wind-powered naval and Coast Guard ships: contact us for information
as well as:
Decarbonized Zodiac-style Inflatables: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---zodiac-style-inflatables.html
Decarbonized Cruising Catamarans: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---catamaran-cruising.html
Decarbonized Day Sailers: https://www.clowdfoundry.com/clowd-boat---day-sailing.html
US Patents 11,383,809 B2 and 11,772,765 B2
Contact us for more information.